New Music Review: NEW YEARS DAY ‘Unbreakable’

NEW YEARS DAY 'Unbreakable' - Cover Photo

Rating: 8 / 10 Stars

Rating: 8 out of 10.

REVIEW – Ash Costello is a lead singer that seems to be at a crossroad. If you listen to their debut album, you felt the hunger and passion. ‘My Dear’ was one of the best releases on the TVT label, ‘Black Science’ by G/Z/R and the first SEVENDUST album, I would also list in that company. I am not sure what the issues were since their debut album. It seemed that every time we got rumors of new music coming, we found out about new members in NEW YEARS DAY. Here we are in 2019 with ‘Unbreakable’. We have a lineup change (yet again) since ‘Malevolence’, but we also have the band trying to reinvent themselves. I am not quite sure if the word “band” is a fair term. Considering that Ashley and Nikki are the only ones who have been in NEW YEARS DAY longer than a couple of years. I will say, for all the stones I can throw at them for their past, this album is by far their best release to date. I will say, skip the opening track, “Come for Me”. It is a typical Ash and gang rocker that feels like a demo from one of the last three albums. It is formulaic to the point that you feel this album will be a letdown in terms of growth. That is what I feel Ash wanted to showcase. She wanted NEW YEARS DAY to show listeners where they’ve been. “This is what you are used to with us.” From track two until the end, is a truly unique and jaw dropping experience. If someone were to tell me after I was let down by the last album, that this band in 2019 will create this gem, I would have laughed in their face. Second track “MissUnderstood” is the song we have been waiting for. This is the song that I feel they always had inside them, that they just needed the moment to belt it out. This song is all over the place in terms of feel. It has a hard electro pop feeling. This is a call to arms for their fans. This is the song that I feel will show fans that she is so much more than some eye candy. She showcases her calming lyrics one second, the next she is belting her lungs to the point you feel she is going to explode.

Songs like “Skeletons” and “Shut Up”, show a very confident and protected lead singer who really wants to dive in the deep end of the abyss and see what she can conjure up. These two tracks will easily attract new listeners to NEW YEARS DAY. Both of these songs seem to showcase an old school mentality in terms of delivery with a new train of thought lyric wise. This album will draw comparisons to bands like BRING ME THE HORIZON and PVRIS. Both bands, I am a major fan of. There is also moments that felt like they channeled METRIC. Where past albums felt uneven and sounded like therapy sessions, this album shows that NEW YEARS DAY is gambling and raised their own stakes. This is the first album I felt that was not lacking in direction, and felt like a band effort. This album is full of passion mixed with ambition. I feel they should be very proud of what this album represents. For NEW YEARS DAY, I feel this is a new dawn. For the fans, I feel this is the album they have been waiting for. For the critics, another album to sit and bitch about while eating toast. This is the album that right now, we need.

For more information on NEW YEARS DAY, visit: