Rating: 9 / 10 Stars
NERD TABLE is: Adam Castro (vocals), Nick Nighbert (guitar), Aaron White (bass/vocals), Jacob Walker (drums)
REVIEW – ‘Nut to Nut’ is arguably the most intense and spite filled angry EP of last year. For the majority of its playing time, it is honest, brutal and very well written and played. That being said, this EP will have you questioning all the things that we as citizens conform to and answer to. This EP is like a 4-song love letter to wake up and stand up for yourself. “Halliburton” and “In Defense of My Sperm” are the two examples of how NERD TABLE has grown in the last ten years. The comparisons to RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE can be made for the lyrics, but sound wise this is old school rebellion punk/hard alternative rock. Whoa, before you think GREEN DAY and THE OFFSPRING, it is not that sell out packaged rebellion punk. That make kids want to buy shirts, skateboards and put bumper stickers on their parents’ church car. Or walk around the mall with a THE DAMNED t-shirt and not know one song. This is the honest rebellion that does not care who likes the message or opposes it. For all the tricks the band pulls out of their hat to show fans all sides of the band, there is no denying “Halliburton” should have been on modern radio getting buzz and airplay. It is too good to have gone un-noticed. Those familiar with the NERD TABLE sound, will love this EP. Those not familiar, will shit themselves that they did not find out about them before now. The riffs, Dale of the MELVINS on guitar and vocals, Casto just sharing his feelings and opening himself up for either a lot of debate or a lot of praise has to be mentioned. Adam shines on this EP, and I feel bands like THE CLASH, THE STOOGES, DEAD KENNEDYS, and etc. would be proud of this EP and the message and passion behind it. Fans, this EP is beyond a must. If you thought the first RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE Album was special, this EP is the second coming. If you live in Columbus Ohio, I know they are regularly playing shows, and you should check them out. The rest of the world the info is down below, if you are into music and want something with some passion and thought into it… you may dig this a lot.
For more information on NERD TABLE, visit: