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REVIEW – Pessimist overdriven feedback guitars build slowly then a very eerie gothic feel overcomes you with some interesting vocals before blasting into overdrive. Control melodic melancholic guitars with some psychedelic overtones just get up and groove along. Ritual is very catchy and takes you back to the late 60s early 70s when band would go off on very experimental journeys. Eulogy slow moody music that will take you away on one strange mind trip. Breathe searing leads and a very catchy rhythm just get up and dance along as you drift with the tones. Hex a great song to crank while cruising on down the road. Trigger dissonant guitars then a chugging rhythm that will have you up swaying grooving and tripping to the tune.
DEATHCHANT is: T.J. Lemieux – Guitar/Vocals, John Bolino – Guitar, George Camacho – Bass, Colin Fahrner – drums