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REVIEW – Hailing from Columbus, Ohio comes the Adam Casto led band, Nerd Table. This is clearly a band who wear their influences on their sleeves. For over a decade, this band has been putting out solid music and fighting for their moment. Nerd Table vs Galactic Turkey, to me is not only their moment but the best indie record of 2018. Fellow Nerds are Nick Nighbert on the guitars, Michael Flowers on the drums and David Lawler on the bass. I cannot go over the who’s who of the special guests and contributors on this record, because there are so many. The album opens with “Run Towards the Bomb”. It has this simple sound opening, like what you would expect from the opening of No Joke by The Meat Puppets. Just something that is so enticing and inviting. Once it lures you in. where you think you know where this song is heading it just explodes like a bomb. Adam seems so passionate and you can tell he was excited about the song. This band just comes across so energetic. The second this song takes off, it is just infectious. To listen to this cd is like turning the pages of the history of what 120 Minutes such an awesome experience. Each song is a discovery. Critical Hit, keeps this party going with smart lyrics and a nod to bands like The Melvins, Tad and the Brothers Meat. This song just comes across so raw and a postcard from Ohio. Where I think Nerd Table excels is the fact that they can say “fuck it”. This band has always seemed to play towards it’s strengths and passion more than trying to be labeled something by music critics or fans. The second I heard the drumming in “Formula Zero”, it is a fucked up chaos. Joe Daniels is such an amazing drummer if you know Local H. Blinding More Than Anything is a kick in the balls. Adam wants us to be happy and how can we deny the request when this song just fucking destroys. This cd showcases that the music scene is not so dead, and that music is still exciting. From first song to last, this cd is just brilliant, genius and very heartfelt. If you are sick of what the industry is feeding you, and want a change of pace. If you are a fan of bands like Local H, Screaming Trees, Pearl Jam, Meat Puppets and Tad. If you want to know how bright Adam and his band shine. Welcome to the best cd of 2018….Nerd Table have delivered their classic.
NERD TABLE ‘Nerd Table vs. Galactic Turkey’
1. Run Towards The Bomb
2. Critical Hit!
3. Good Times and Metal Slimes
4. Media Mind Fuck
5. Blinded More Than Anything
6. Formula Zero
7. Egon’s Ferrari
8. Warrior Souls
9. Gagging On Uncle Sam’s Dick
10. It’s Shoved Milk It
11. Noise Of Earth Part 5