New Music Review: ILS ‘To End Is to Begin’

ILS 'To End Is to Begin' - Cover Photo

Rating: 8 / 10 Stars

Rating: 8 out of 10.

ILS is: Tom Glose (vocals), Nate Abner (guitar), Tim Steiner (drums), Adam Pike (bass)

REVIEW – After a four-year hiatus since their 2020 album Curse, ILS returns with To End Is to Begin,’ an explosive sophomore effort that solidifies the Portland noise rockers’ place in the genre. Released on August 2, 2024, via The Ghost Is Clear Records, this ten-track album marks a gritty and aggressive follow-up that amplifies everything fans loved about the bandā€™s earlier work. It’s a wild ride through chaotic noise rock, blending hardcore energy with punk rockā€™s rawness and metal’s abrasive power.

‘To End Is to Begin’ opens with “Seven to Ten Business Days,” a two-minute burst of ferocious riffs and Tom Gloseā€™s powerful vocals. Right from the start, itā€™s clear ILS isnā€™t holding anything back, delivering a track that’s as fast as it is aggressive. Following up is “Light ’em Up,” a pounding, groove-heavy song that showcases the bandā€™s skill in blending dissonance with infectious rhythms.

‘To End Is to Begin’ continues its sonic assault with “Deceased and Insist,” one of the recordā€™s standout tracks. The mix of aggressive guitars, crushing drums, and Gloseā€™s raw vocals drive the track forward, making it an instant favorite for fans of the genre. “Donā€™t Try Me” comes next, with its sharp riffs and tight execution, embodying the essence of hardcore punk, packing a punch despite its short runtime.

In the middle of ‘To End Is to Begin’, “Fallen” slows things down slightly, bringing a grittier and heavier feel to the music. The contrast of slower grooves with the bandā€™s typical chaotic energy works well to keep listeners engaged. “Sate” ramps up the energy once again, fusing a fast-paced punk vibe with their signature noise rock elements. Both “Frig” and “Hail Mary” offer tracks that are as relentless as they are captivating, combining sharp, jagged guitar riffs with an unstoppable rhythm section.

As ‘To End Is to Begin’ winds down, “Let the Blood Pour Out” and “Older English” provide a strong finish. These tracks feature some of the albumā€™s heaviest moments, combining pummeling drums with dense layers of distorted guitar, while Gloseā€™s commanding vocal performance ties it all together, closing out the album with the same intensity it began with.

ILS have crafted a dense, chaotic, yet deeply engaging noise rock album with ‘To End Is to Begin.’ The band has successfully pushed their sound forward since ‘Curse,’ experimenting with dynamics while staying true to the raw energy that defines them. Produced by guitarist Nate Abner and mixed/mastered by Stephan Hawkes, the album delivers a powerful sonic landscape that will keep listeners coming back for more.

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For more information on ILS, visit: