New Music Review: A.A. WILLIAMS ‘Forever Blue’

A.A. WILLIAMS 'Forever Blue' - Cover Photo

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REVIEW – A.A. Williams is deeper than the Atlantic Ocean. This woman swims in an abyss of heartfelt emotion and passionate moments that will embrace your soul. Forever Blue is not a collection of songs, it is a poetic journey from words to sound. It is a creation of dark in times when light shines brighter than the sun. This cd is that mirror we all face when we hear words that may describe what we are going through told by someone else. You can tell by the direction of the moments here, that Williams is classically trained but yet wants to embrace other aspects to make the instruments feel more significant. This cd is striking. It is flat out shockingly real. You can clearly tell this is how she felt at that moment. Her emotions are best described as a mental balancing act of loud to silent. The opening track of this cd, “All I Asked For (Was To End It All)”.

Her vocals sound so unsure but yet confident. We get the percussion and guitar riffs that feel like an art house soundtrack to really capture that moment in time. “ Melt” is another track that really stands out. The vocals capture such innocence that reflect beautifully in a darkness and headphones. The song feels slow when you first listen, but it starts to fuse the parts together and creates a cinematic feel by end. This cd is an adventure, a journey that needs to be taken by each person who feels “ forever blue”. This cd can be seen as a love letter to how things once were and can never go back towards. You have Johannes Persson among others who guest on tracks on this cd. I feel this cd is an emotional distraction for her. A moment that was not pre written but put together in front of a piano and laid down as she watched the events unravel to make the lyrics more meaningful. A. A. Williams welcomes her listeners to bring their emotional baggage to her abyss. This record felt like a romantic connection with lyric to heart. This record is excellent from first moment to last breath. This is our therapy to know that we are not alone in the addiction of what life throws at us. Sometimes the dark is more promising than the light. This album in the future could be remembered as we remember Joni Mitchell Blue today.

For more information on A.A. WILLIAMS, visit: