AntiMozdeBeast | Florida | United States

Industrial Metal | Electronic Metal | Avant – Garde Metal

Nine Inch Nails | Puscifier | Skinny Puppy | Ministry | A Perfect Circle

Current line-up:
Gabriel Palacio – Vocals/Guitar/Synth/Everything

Band links:
Facebook | Youtube | Instagram

ICRI | Independent | 2019
The Political Beast, The Beast of War, And the Antichrist | Independent | 2020
The Red River | Independent | 2020
Crepuscular | Independent | 2020
AntiMozdeBeast II | Independent | 2020
The Edge, the Outskirts, and the Mountain (and Town) | Independent | 2020
The Ritual | Independent | 2021
Mother Earth | Independent | 2022
Vision | Independent | 2023
Land of Nod | Independent | 2023
Lake of Fire | Independent | 2024
Vision: II | Independent | 2024
Vision | Sliptrick Records | 2024


AntiMozdeBeast | Florida | United States Industrial Metal | Electronic Metal | Avant – Garde Metal Influences: Nine Inch Nails | Puscifier | Skinny Puppy […]

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