UNIDAD TRAUMA: Tijuana-Based Grindcore Unit To Kick Off Mini-Tour With Cattle Decapitation

Divine is the task of relieving pain… Words that hold power and polarity… In the thin line between life and death is where UNIDAD TRAUMA stands.
The surgeons are currently in the process of writing their debut album and will make their live appearances beginning next week supporting Cattle Decapitation. Set to commence April 30th and run through May 5th, the band promises the procedures to be fast, clean, and painless contrasting the subject matter of their music, an ode to true medical horror. Do not miss it.

UNIDAD TRAUMA w/ Cattle Decapitation:
4/30/2019 DNA Lounge – San Francisco, CA
5/01/2019 Brick By Brick – San Diego, CA w/ Cave Bastard, Temblad
5/02/2019 Dive Bar – Las Vegas, NV w/ Guttural Secrete, Excerebration
5/04/2019 Launchpad – Albuquerque, NM w/ Suspended, Snot Goblin
5/05/2019 Black Sheep – Colorado Springs, CO
UNIDAD TRAUMA originates from Tijuana, Mexico and features members of the now-defunct Thanatology. UNIDAD TRAUMA continues to deliver razor sharp musicianship and horrendous subject matter all packaged up nicely on a blood-soaked gurney! UNIDAD TRAUMA (Spanish for “trauma unit”), exposes the listener to a history lesson in medical atrocities, experimentation, discovery, and ultimately terror. If UNIDAD TRAUMA doesn’t cause you to suffer from tomophobia… nothing will.
To make an appointment, visit one of the following resources: