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REVIEW – When CRIMSON GLORY first hit the scene, they had a sound and style that drew comparisons to QUEENSRYCHE. When lead singer Midnight died tragically, the band recruited Todd La Torre who also drew the same comparisons. The self-titled album in 2013 was a fair record. Let’s be honest, QUEENSRYCHE lost both its fire and substance after Chris DeGarmo. The albums were mediocre at best, so when I heard Geoff Tate and the band had a falling out, I was hoping that maybe we could get two projects that were both hungry and focused. Condition Human has its moments; “Guardian” is a great song and may get people’s attention. The problem that I have with the first record and now the follow-up, is that Todd La Torre seems to be recreating Geoff Tate’s style rather than establishing himself. The vocals on this record, if you didn’t know better you would think it is Geoff Tate singing. The band I feel wants to keep old-school fans happy and not depart too much off of what they expect, but they are also not giving Todd La Torre enough of a chance to really have a go at it. Where JUDAS PRIEST let Tim “Ripper” Owens be himself and let the music follow his vocal style, it seems QUEENSRYCHE are basically letting Todd La Torre play a role. I am not saying the music is horrible, but I feel it is cheating fans somewhat to hear this record and expect a daring new adventure when it sounds like they are just content letting Todd La Torre basically play to Geoff Tate’s strengths. “Arrow of Time” is a good opener in the realm of what a fan would expect. It bridges the best of Empire with Hear in the Now Frontier. I feel this record is better than the last decade the band had with Geoff Tate in the picture. The playing on this record is really focused almost a re-discovered passion of sorts. I feel as if Michael Wilton has done good job of filling the void in QUEENSRYCHE’s sound left by the departure of Chris DeGarmo. Lyrically, QUEENSRYCHE need Chris DeGarmo to at least write material, it is like they are just basically running around in the same circle trying to figure out what to communicate to a listener.
Does the band need Tate back? That is a great question? I was expecting the debut to be growing pains trying to figure out what your singer’s strengths and weaknesses were and work with them. Where Geoff Tate’s biggest negative was all the abuse he put his voice thru and the chain smoking, Geoff Tate is very limited today in delivering what fans pre-Empire loved the most, him hitting those high notes. I am not saying Todd La Torre is not talented, but I have yet to establish what he truly brings that is his to the band. I like the album enough to give it some listens but I feel it is so unfair to Geoff Tate and the fans to say this is Todd La Torre being himself and playing to his style. It sounds like a tribute band that really needs to have faith in the fans and their singer more, and stop being dependent on a style that is not theirs anymore, that they assume will put them on better tours and selling in more stores. I just want to hear Todd La Torre establish himself like say a Sammy Hagar did. Take a signature sound and just completely make it yours, do not take yours and let it become the same signature sound that the band has claimed they are trying to distance themselves from. I am torn on an actual music review because I feel it is not a bad record, but I feel ripped off that I am hearing someone imitate a singer that I am forced to believe is who they want move away from.