New Music Review: GHOST IRIS ‘Apple of Discord’

GHOST IRIS 'Apple of Discord' - Cover Photo

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REVIEW – Apple Of Discord eerie sounds envelop you with a slow steady beat that pulls you into a strange musical world. The Devil’s Plaything has a riff that will have you swaying along as it drives you insane. Final Tale heavy riffs pounding rhythms rough vocals and lots of aggression. After The Sun Sets Pt II chugging riffs cutting rhythms and grab you by the throat rough vocals. Beauty In Expiration hit the pit slam and get all your aggressions out with a few tempo changes. The Rat And The Snake heavy cutting chugging ripping tearing thrashing music. Heaven Was Pure Hell a slightly more melodic song with lots of dark melodies.  Cowardly Pride hard heavy pounding thrashing with gruff ad clean vocals. Magenta Moon just fast heavy hit the pit slam sweat and mosh. Virus cutting shredding rough pounding heavy bet music.

GHOST IRIS is: Jesper, Nicklas, Sebastian, Daniel