New Music Review: A WORLD TURNED BLACK ‘Decide My Fate – EP’

A WORLD TURNED BLACK 'Decide My Fate - EP' - Cover Photo

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REVIEW – In The Beginning spoken words and eerie music. Decide My Fate rumbling bass crunchy guitars thumping drums and soaring vocals. Code Of Silence is a fist in the air head banging riff that just takes you away with some excellent musicianship and great vocals. Apparitions crunchy swirling guitars pounding riffs thundering bass and powerful vocals. Get Loud is a very catchy crunchy riff that will have you up and fist pumping along.  Howling At The Moon slow doomy riffs pounding drums thundering bass and strong vocals.

A WORLD TURNED BLACK is: Stephen Taylor – Vocals, Steven Clements – Guitar, Aaron Dyer – Bass, Brent Sewell – Drums