Lady Rose and the Beast of METAL FORTRESS RADIO
Announce New Partnership with Mohegan Sun
+ “Skully” is in the House!
Crank It Up
Listen here:Â https://wmfrfortressradio.com
Lady Rose and the Beast of METAL FORTRESS RADIO broadcasted live from the Mohegan Sun February 3rd at the Anthrax, Black Label and Exodus concert with Skully the 2014 Challenger
gracing the concourse floor. METAL FORTRESS RADIO (and Skully) will be partnering with Mohegan Sun at all of the venue’s’ rock and metal shows (and other select events).
Metal Fortress Radio was created due to the lack of Active Rock FM stations in the New England area. After speaking to touring bands that would pass by the state of Connecticut due to the lack of radio promotion to support venues for those bands to perform, Thomas “the Beast” Blardo said “We need to take action. The fans need their rock and metal accessible on their cell phone or computers in minutes. We must CRANK IT UP!” And so crank it up they did!
Just confirmed, Metal Fortress Radio has boots on the ground in Europe spearheaded with Alan Black who recently moved to Finland. Alan Black has been a part of Metal Fortress since 2014 with the show Metallurgy, sending fans to class with the A, B, C’s of metal. You can catch Metallurgy every Saturday night at 8pm EST. In addition to Metal Drive By & Metallurgy, you
can access a slew of other unique programing via their website.
Metal Fortress Radio is a free streaming station with great content… Live Interviews, Upcoming Live Show announcements and Rock News. Speaking of news…Thomas “the Beast” Blardo and his band bandmates in  Image Beyond have recently signed a recording contract with a (can’t reveal the name yet) German record label. Their upcoming album will be titled Reflection in Time. Stay tuned!
With more than 30,000 App Downloads and tons of worldwide listeners tuning in to the 24/7 Digital Broadcast METAL FORTRESS RADIO is a force to be reckoned with.
Download WMFR here:
Skully is no stranger to the road and has appeared at many events, including Dream Ride and Mopar Cruises. Skully is currently on the main concourse floor at Mohegan Sun promoting WMFR – METAL FORTRESS RADIO. Skully is available for videos, Grand Openings, Car Shows, and more.
Check out Skully here: https://vimeo.com/686061240
WMFR Fortress Radio:
⢠App Downloads: 30,000 & Growing
⢠Social Media Digital Reach: 38,850
⢠Website Views: 65,000 a Month
Founded in 2004 by Lady Rose and her son Corpsegrinder Junior, radio show Metal Fortress aired on WHUS 91.7 FM in Connecticut. Lady Rose teamed up with popular WHUS radio host (and seasoned musician of 30+ years) Thomas “Beast” Blardo forming Fortress Radio and also becoming life and business partners. They remain an important part of the WHUS family with their weekly WHUS segment Metal Drive-By which airs every Thursday from 8 pm to 10pm EST.
In addition, Metal Fortress has created Operation Fortress Freedom, a non-profit organization. This is a project near and dear to Christina and Tommy’s heart, as Corpsegrinder Junior served several tours in Afghanistan. Metal Fortress have provided gifts to the families of troops, monetary support to the soldiers overseas for goods needed and sending care packages of supplies and merchandise donated by many touring bands. Operation Fortress Freedom will have a booth at Mohegan Sun’s Vets Rock 2023, which will be held in November at the Mohegan Sun, with Skully on the concourse!
This annual event is held every November. Vets Rock, is a free exposition-style event which offers access to hiring and educational opportunities, Veteran Service Organizations, and other veteran-owned companies.
In addition to WMFR Fortress Radio, Lady Rose and the Beast have opened Fortress Clothing and More, housed in their Fortress building, the home to their radio station, live recording studio and rehearsal space. Fortress Clothing and More is the only boutique on the East Coast where the buyer can walk in and purchase Wornstar clothing. The boutique made itâs debut at Kim Dâs (The Real Housewives of New Jersey) fashion show in 2020 and also graced the cat walk in New York City in 2021.
Lady Rose and Beast are available for interviews.
Contact:Â [email protected]
Also in the works…filming has begun on the
Metal Fortress Reality Show!
About the upcoming reality show:
Christina Blardo aka Lady Rose & husband, Thomas Blardo aka The Beast go through life as normal entrepreneurs of four businesses with family and friends. Join the couple and those around them – celebrities and artists – attending major events. In addition see the trials and tribulations of everyday life events while cranking music through the new radio station created to support surrounding Artists in New England. These entrepreneurs study all styles of music and support small businesses around them while growing their following at special events.