Gore House Prod. – Streaming Now! HEINOUS EXSANGUINATION’s Vile New EP “The Stench of Decaying Flesh”

Gore House Prod. – Streaming Now! HEINOUS EXSANGUINATION’s Vile New EP “The Stench of Decaying Flesh”


Montreal, QC – September 5, 2024

Streaming Now! HEINOUS EXSANGUINATION’s Vile New EP “The Stench of Decaying Flesh”

Debut EP “The Stench of Decaying Flesh” Out Sept 6th, 2024 via Gore House Productions

Left – Mitchell Christian (Instruments and production), Right – JP – Vocals

Photo credit – Heinous Exsanguination

Gore House Productions proudly presents the release of Heinous Exsanguination‘s debut EP, “The Stench of Decaying Flesh”. This seven-track monstrosity is an unrelenting barrage of brutal slam death metal that promises to leave listeners drenched in gore and craving more. The band shares their excitement for the slaughter:

“We are beyond excited to share with the world our first body of work ‘The Stench of Decaying Flesh’. We absolutely love making brutal music, and this is just the beginning of what is going to be a great run for the project. Heinous Exsanguination is a passion project, and we will continue to pour our everything into this. We hope when you listen to this album you can shut off your brain and just enjoy the brutality of the music.”

Heinous Exsanguination, consisting of Mitchell Christian (all music and production) and JP (vocals), has crafted a collection of tracks that are as grotesque as they are addictive. With features from some of the genre’s heaviest hitters like Richard Smihula (Desoectomy) and Angel Ochoa (Cephalotripsy), “The Stench of Decaying Flesh” is a testament to the band’s commitment to delivering pure, unfiltered slam metal.

From the blistering opener “Engorged With Hatred” to the title track featuring Azerate Nakamura of Ungraceful, this EP is a masterclass in unadulterated brutality that will drag you through an intense journey of classic slam riffs, blast beats, and insane gutturals. It is recommended for fans of Embryectomy, Kraanium, and Parasitic Ejaculation.

Listen to the EP’s full stream via its premiere on MetalInsider HERE.

“The Stench of Decaying Flesh” is due out on September 6th, 2024, from Gore House Productions and is available for pre-order at https://orcd.co/the-stench-of-decaying-flesh​

Track Listing:​
1. Engorged With Hatred (2:14)
2. Vile Rotting Mass (ft. Angel Ochoa of Cephalotripsy) (2:57)
3. Savage Evisceration (2:12)
4. The Stench of Decaying Flesh (ft. Azerate Nakamura of Ungraceful) (2:04)
5. Severed Limbs, Mangled Remains (ft. Richard Smihula of Desoectomy) (2:32)
6. Bodies Open Easier Than You’d Think (2:18)
7. Meat Cleaver Meltdown (2:15)

More info: ​Gorehouseproductions.com​ | Facebook.com/heinousslam | Instagram.com/heinousexsanguination | X.com/heinousslam​


“The musical beating begins right away with a primitive, lead-weighted, slamming riff, and the macabre gurgling of the song’s (Vile Rotting Mass) protagonist. But the torturers behind the music then begin to really relish their ghastly work, hammering and darting faster, rattling the drums more maniacally, ejecting brazen and blaring chords, spilling out gutturals most foul and screeches most noxious. With a couple of quick pauses, the band then hit us with a blast-beat seizure and whirling fretwork spasms, before slamming again and ultimately slowing the pace into even more ruthless and abysmal territory, this time accompanied by the monstrous crocodilian utterances of their guest Angel Ochoa (from Cephalotripsy, Abominable Putridity, Disgorge). At the end, the wailing and moaning guitar reverberations sound utterly dismal, in keeping with the song’s thematic conception.” – No Clean Singing ​

Jon Asher – Music Publicist
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