Take a soul-stirring journey with the neoclassical counterpoint of electronics, piano, strings and Amberscentâs voice in âDuoâ.
Rome, Italy
Release Date: 2023-06-09
Check out Duo here: https://go.sono.to/duo
SONO Music is proud to announce the release of âDuoâ, the new single from the Italian artist Amberscent. From Rome, Italy, Amberscent is the project of Giada Squarcia, a multi-faceted musician whose identity is split between classical music, music for cinema and electronic instrument research.
âDuoâ is an elegant neoclassical counterpoint between electronics, piano and strings, and Amberscentâs voice that mitigates it. Coming from her deep research about herself as an artist, âDuoâ is about making a little bit of peace with something that used to be more complicated.
Amberscent commented: âI think that at some point of your deep research about you as an artist, youâll probably end up facing yourself as a person, which is the scariest thing an artist would have to do. That only happened to me when my electronics melted to classical counterpoint: it was like seeing this two very distant entities starting a fight only to find a way to make peace. I probably felt the need to use this technique on âDuoâ because it really is a song about making a little bit of peace with something that used to be more complicated. So of course it lead me to new ideas and stuff – that Iâm already working on – but also to those parts of myself that I still donât know well. I guess this is the most daring, scaring and hard role of music, but I also find it one of the most beautiful because it has the biggest power to touch people.â
Giada Squarcia, aka Amberscent, was born in the Marche region of Italy and is now based in Rome. She defines everything she writes as multiple attempts to bring those very different parts of herself together, even though whenever she writes on a staff, she actually never starts from herself. The main reason she keeps looking into these opposing and yet matching sounds is that she finds their combination always far more accurate than anything else in describing emotions, and how they affect us. Besides her own project, she is mainly dedicated to the soundtrack of short films, video art and also the live performances of soundtracks on films. She received an award for the best experimental soundtrack of a historic advertising spot in the âSeeUsoundâ international competition in 2021.
âDuoâ is a song about making peace with something that used to be more complicated, a journey that takes listeners through the artistâs innermost thoughts and feelings. From the neoclassical counterpoint between electronics, piano and strings, to Amberscentâs voice that mitigates it, âDuoâ is a perfect example of the artistâs signature sound.
We invite you to take a journey with Amberscentâs âDuoâ, out now on SONO Music.
Meet Amberscent on Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amber_scent/
Spotify: Amberscent on Spotify
Amberscent on Spotify
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The Article Experience Amberscentâs Journey of Self-Discovery with her new single âDuoâ comes from SONO Music Group.