EPK – Turbo – Broke & Ugly (2024)

EPK – Turbo – Broke & Ugly (2024)

Turbo – Broke & Ugly (2024)

Publicist – Jon Asher – jon[@]ashermediarelations[.]com

“We’re comin’ in fast, hot and greasy with our second dose of Nitro Rock, “Broke and Ugly”. It’s faster, grittier, meaner, sleazier, and louder than the first dose we gave you, and it’ll have you tapping your arm frantically to find a good vein. We’ve been called “Halifax’s answer to Motorhead” by The East Magazine in 2020 with our first album, and with this release, we’ve taken that reputation VERY seriously. 

Get yourself a grimy slab of Thrash, add a good pinch of NWOBHM catchiness and throw it on the burner. Mix some spicy glam metal and sleaze rock into a bowl with a large helping of punk rock and hardcore. Drizzle that over what you got on the burner, and garnish with a singer determined to turn his voice into sand who’s lifestyle and world-view will make you worry for him, and you have the recipe for Turbo’s distinct flavor. It’s an absolute slaughter in 7-tracks, sure to scratch an old-school itch you didn’t realize was there. Like your disheveled uncle on Christmas morning, Turbo is STILL trashed, pissed off, and sick of your shit.”

For fans of Motorhead, W.A.S.P., Kill Cheerleader, ZZ Top, Black Sabbath

Album Title: Broke & Ugly
Release Date: July 19, 2024
Label: Self-Release
Distribution: Distrokid

Facebook.com/TURBOFAF | Instagram.com/turboasfvck

Turboasfvck.bandcamp.com | Spotify

“TURBO is Halifax’s answer to Motorhead…” – The East Mag

“It is a thrash metal rollercoaster of a musical ride that grabs you by the dick and doesn’t let go until bust a riff-inspired ear nut.” – Slickster Magazine 

Album Title: Broke & Ugly

Track Listing:
1. Ruthless Forever
2. Ignite the Night
3. No Savior
4. Scorpio Garbage Fire
5. PissJugs and Rattlesnakes
6. Nothing to Nowhere
7. Broke & Ugly
8. Down in Mexico
Total Length: 29:12
Album Credits:
Recorded at Nova Scotia, Canada
Mixed by Lindsey Dicks
Mastered by Jamie King Audio

Evan Frizzle: Vox, Lead & Rhythm Guitar
Lindsey Dicks: Lead & Rhythm Guitar
Henry MacDonald: Bass Guitar
Sylvian Coderre: Drums

Fast as Fvck: 2020
Broke & Ugly: 2024


About The Album Artwork:
The artwork for “Broke and Ugly” was done by our primary artist and good friend, Tim Murray. It depicts a dive-bar nightmare bathroom that has been – to put it diplomatically – well-loved haha. It has a few little Easter-eggs from other songs of ours peppered through it, and a green hand grabbing for some shit-tickets from a busted-ass urinal that belongs to the velociraptor featured in the album art from the first album, “Fast as Fvck”.

About The Album:

“Broke and Ugly” is our second testament to the ups and downs of the rock-and-roll lifestyle, and it comes in swingin’ HARD. The music is raw, greasy and mean; but it’s also tight, coordinated, and flashy. The lyrics are defiant and visceral, painting a real picture of where Evan’s mind was at during the writing
process of the album. Themes go from party-anthems, to drugs, to women of flings-past, to life on the road, and back again. It’s edgy, it’s real, and it’s undeniably Turbo.

Track By Track:

The opening track – Ruthless Forever – has some of the heaviest riffs in the entire album. It also features one of Evan’s favorite guitar solos in the middle of it; he gets to demonstrate some of his jazz-knowledge through that solo. He had just successfully quit a nasty habit with crank before writing the song, and the lyrics are predominantly about his triumphant return thereafter.

2. IGNITE THE NIGHT – Ignite the Night is a straight-ahead party anthem. No ice, no chaser, no bullshit. The lyric “yeah, you’ve got problems, and I know how we’ll solve ‘em” pretty much spells it out. It features some flashy work with guitar-harmonies and a wicked main riff and structure to it. Have a beer or two cracked when you blast this one.

3. NO SAVIOR – While writing this one, both Sylvain and Evan were each going through some somewhat nasty breakups. The lyrics talk about that, and issue a warning of sorts to future ladyfriends: “I ain’t no savior, I’ll burn here forever”. Definitely one of the album’s standout anthems.

4. SCORPIO GARBAGE FIRE – Written to be more accessible and radio-friendly, while still keeping the trademark Turbo snarl intact, Scorpio Garbage Fire is a bouncy ripper with a palpable punk-rock edge to it. The lyrics are about a hippy-raver girl Evan used to have chemsex flings with many years ago.

5. PISSJUGS AND RATTLESNAKES – Pissjugs is a perfect example of a song that was written with the name coming first, lyrics coming second. It’s loosely written about a crew of strippers Evan used to hang out with and their lifestyles at the time. Lindsey came up with the opening lead, and we were immediately off to the races writing this one. The song’s main riff might be the greasiest riff on the album. Drink every time we yell “pissjugs”!

6. NOTHING TO NOWHERE – We don’t write ballads in Turbo. Our sound just doesn’t translate well to an actual “ballad” by any strict definition. But we DO feel that every good album needs at least one good reprieve from the balls-to-the-wall blasters standard of any good metal band, and a demonstration of how a band can push it’s sound in a different direction to explore a different kind of emotion. Nothing to Nowhere is our offering with that sentiment in mind. The lyrics talk about life on the road – something we’ve become extremely acquainted with.

7. BROKE AND UGLY – The title track of the album was written in a period of hard-times, financially-speaking. Since this is more or less the general state of being for Evan in particular, who else would be better suited to lyrically immortalize this mindset. It’s catchy, it’s boppy, it’s snarky, and it has our favorite chorus on the album: “Got no money, and STILL fuckin’ ugly”! An anthem we hope at least SOMEBODY out there will relate to.

8. DOWN IN MEXICO – Our bassist Henry wrote the main riff of this song, and it punched us in the gut so hard that we don’t deviate too far from it at any point through this song. It’s a real thresh, start to finish. We wrote it right before leaving for our tour through Mexico in the hopes that we could play the Mexican fans a ditty written JUST for them. Their response was unreal, show after show. We’re proud to have this one closing out the album with an absolute bang!


Fun Facts – Story Angles
1. Both of Turbo’s albums – “Fast as Fvck” and “Broke and Ugly” were almost entirely recorded and produced by guitarist Lindsey Dicks and the rest of the band themselves right in their rehearsal space, with minimal

2. Turbo played 53 shows in one year in 2023. They were on the road almost every weekend to achieve that.

3. In the fall of 2023, Turbo went on a two-week
tour through Mexico, and each member has a strange story about pooping from that trip.

4. Both the band’s singer/guitarist Evan Frizzle and drummer Sylvain Coderre instruct students on how to play their respective instruments.

5. Bassist Henry MacDonald is broke and sexy, currently trying his hand at an
amature-modeling career.

Like your disheveled uncle on Christmas morning, Turbo is trashed, pissed off, and sick of your shit. The members of Turbo, who were all in separate bands at the time, came together with the motivation to create something bigger and badder.

Something that was gonna grab things right by the cojones and give them a good shake. Evan Frizzle (vocalist/guitarist) and Sylvain Coderre (drums) were looking to start up a project, and when they met Lindsey Dicks (guitar) the juices started flowing. Todd Stanley (bass) held the same “Take No Prisoners” vision and immediately joined the fray. The musical influences cited by the band span across the heavy music spectrum, which results in an original, aggressive and varied listening experience.

With 100% collaborative effort, the themes that fuel Turbo lyrics revolve around personal experiences or things that just come up while they’re writing the music to a particular piece. The focus is that all the bandmates are able to relate to topics they sing about. It’s real, edgy, and visceral.

The highly potent debut album “Fast as Fvck” was relinquished upon the masses in 2020; metal enough for the heshers, punk enough for the threshers, and rocking enough to satiate the haughtiest of purests; welcome to Turbo’s patented “Nitro-Rock”.

Shortly after the release of their first album, Todd Stanley left the band. With no delay and extreme fervor, Henry MacDonald took up the helm on bass-duties, and Turbo have been touring and writing nonstop ever since, never slowing down for a second. This full-speed-ahead attitude is translated into their newest release, “Broke and Ugly” – faster, louder, and rawer than their first release.