EPK – Rivetskull – Trail of Souls – Samsura (2022)

EPK – Rivetskull – Trail of Souls – Samsura (2022)

“After self-recording and releasing our debut album during the global pandemic, we’ve revisited our songs with professional production that captures the massive sound that fans have come to expect from our live shows.

Recorded at London Bridge Studio (Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Queensrÿche) and produced by Matt Hyde (Slayer, Deftones, Seether), Trail of Souls: Samsara promises much more than a sonic retouch of the original. The reworked collection features new cover artwork and the previously unreleased recording of a cover of Aerosmith’s “King and Queens.””

For fans of Dio, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Def Leppard, Armored Saint,  Deep Purple

Album Title: Trail of Souls – Samsura
Release Date: July 8, 2022
Label: Self-Release
Distribution: CD Baby  

Publicist – Jon Asher – jon[@]ashermediarelations[.]com

Rivetskull.com | Facebook.com/rivetskull | Twitter.com/rivetskull

Youtube.com/rivetskull | Instagram.com/rivetskull 

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It would be easy to call RivetSkull a traditional heavy metal band, but they’re so much more than that. RivetSkull has taken the very roots of heavy metal and forged it into something new and fresh.

Spawned from the same DNA that created the beasts that roamed the dark valleys of Birmingham, the foothills of the Cascades, and the plains of Texas, there’s no denying RivetSkull’s heavy metal heritage. This is hard-hitting music blasted over record store chatter, the buzzing of a tattoo gun, or the revving of a motorcycle engine. But, as any metalhead will tell you, heavy metal is more than just a genre: it’s therapy, it’s community, it’s a style – and it’s a movement. And it’s always evolving.

RivetSkull has created a modern sound that’s as unique as each member’s influences, from punk to country, from alternative to funk. Listening to RivetSkull, it’s easy to envision the band’s live show: Chad McMurray’s clean vocals soaring over a sea of bobbing bodies in black band t-shirts, Mark X. Plog’s boundary-defying guitar ascending over raised beers and outstretched metal horns, Michael Robson’s emphatic drums and Mark Hopkins’ booming bass rattling the bones beneath black jeans and denim vests.

Like good metal – you’ll feel it in your core as much as you’ll hear it in your ears. All of this is brought to you by a dedicated and hard-working band of brothers. They are RivetSkull and they’re bringing the past into the future.

Album and Live Band Line Up:
Chad McMurray – Vocals
Mark X. Plog – Guitar
Mark Hopkins – Bass
Michael Robson – Drums

2022- Trail of Souls: Samsara
2020 – Trail of Souls


The album as a whole (LYRICALLY & MUSICALLY) explained:

CM: It’s got an epic, yet nostalgic feel. Lyrically, I write from the heart about things people can relate to, nothing is contrived. We’re not trying to write a certain kind of song and we’re not trying to portray a certain image. We’re not trying to be a tough, brutal band. We’re just normal guys who like metal, much like it was in the 70s – 80s. I don’t know, maybe we need to bring cod pieces back?

Track by track (LYRICALLY & MUSICALLY) explained:

1. Crash and Burn
“‘Crash and Burn’ is about the pitfalls of relationships. Though you can try to stay clear of danger, sometimes you can’t help but fall into the same traps. The new recording and production conveys the drive and momentum a song about recklessness should be swimming in.  We think we got there with this song and all the others on the album.”

2. Forever
We originally wrote ‘Forever” in 2019 when the world was, once again in a strange place and the US was becoming more and more divided thanks to religion and politics. One year later we would all forever be changed by Covid. Then again in 2022 with more war in the Ukraine, inflation and more political and religious agendas driving yet more distance between all of us. ‘Forever’ refers to the repeating cycle of life’s ups and downs and changes that we forever have to face and come to terms while navigating the waters to get there.

3. Mystified
“Mystified” has to do with fears of stepping out of your comfort zone and sometimes it’s easier to simply take solace by getting high and letting your mind wander to another place.  A journey of finding your way out of the dark and into the light.

4. Another Way To Heaven
Another Way To Heaven deals with a number of things. Is there life after death? Is there really a heaven or god? They want to explore other worlds and if there is really a heaven,  is dying the only way to get there? Now the ending takes a bit of turn and delves into the impact just one person can have. Known as the “father” of the atomic bomb Robert Oppenheimer’s quote taken from Hindu scripture The Bhagavad-Gita, “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds,” makes an appearance and literally means the world-destroying time.

5. Narcissus
“Narcissus” touches on world leaders who convince others to do their bidding regardless of cost. Shining light on the repercussions and madness of blindly following narcissists in leadership by speaking from the narcissist’s twisted point of view.

6. Trail Of Souls
It’s easy to become star-struck or think you’re better than someone else. Particularly people close to you. A reminder to not be blinded by the stars in your eyes or forget those that helped you get where you are.

7. It’s Not Enough
Life, however long it may be, is constantly changing and evolving. From birth, youth, adulthood and death, many reinventions happen throughout its course. Do we ever have enough? How much is enough?

8. Kings and Queens (Aerosmith cover)
Aerosmith has always been a crossover band between hard rock and heavy metal. Several of their songs were inspirational to us, but none quite as much as ‘Kings and Queens.’ The original was a masterpiece of drama, intensity, and a showcase of vocal skill. All of the years of listening to that song and growing as musicians are poured into this recording. We’re proud of how it all came together.”



1. Recorded at London Bridge Studio (Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Queensrÿche) and produced by Matt Hyde (Slayer, Deftones, Seether).

2. Chad McMurarry trained with Maestro David Kyle weekly for 7 years.

3. Trail of Souls: Samsara album artwork by rock poster artist Justin Hampton (Ween, Pearl Jam, Kiss)

[Download Album Cover | Download Album Lyrics]

Album Title: Trail of Souls – Samsura
Release Date: July 8, 2022
Label: Self-Release
Distribution: CD Baby  

Track Listing:
1. Crash and Burn (2:49)
2. Forever (5:24)
3. Mystified (3:45)
4. Another Way to Heaven (7:29)
5. Narcissus (5:01)
6. Trail of Souls (4:04)
7. It’s Not Enough (4:02)
8. Kings and Queens (Aerosmith cover) (5:16)
Album Length: 37:54

Album Recording Credits:
• All songs performed by: RivetSkull
• All songs written by: RivetSkull: Chad McMurray, Mark X. Plog, Mark Hopkins, Michael Robson (except “Kings and Queens, Written by Aerosmith with String Arrangement and Programming by Chad McMurray)
• Produced by: Matt Hyde
• Mixed by: Matt Hyde
• Mastered by: Matt Hyde
• Album Artwork by: Justin Hampton
•  Member of ASCAP and BMI – Mark X. Plog and Mark Hopkins: BMI; Chad McMurray, Michael Robson: ASCAP

Album and Live Band Line Up:
Chad McMurray – Vocals
Mark X. Plog – Guitar
Mark Hopkins – Bass
Michael Robson – Drums