Montreal’s BornBroken Tackles Isolation With Death Thrash Title Track “Am I Invisible” Off New Album Out Sept 2024

Montreal’s BornBroken Tackles Isolation With Death Thrash Title Track “Am I Invisible” Off New Album Out Sept 2024


Montreal, QC – August 8, 2024

BornBroken Tackles Isolation With Death Thrash Title Track “Am I Invisible” Off New Album Out Sept 2024

L-R: Mike Marino (Bass) | Michael Decker (Vocals/Guitar) | Rob Henx (Lead Guitar) | Carlos Ojeda (Drums)


Montreal, Canada’s metal powerhouse BornBroken is back with a vengeance, unveiling their highly anticipated album “Am I Invisible” slated for release on September 20, 2024, this is the third release from the band, and with an almost completely new lineup, it marks a significant evolution for the band. The first foray into this album that reflects on the human experience while delivering a solid punch of thrash and death metal. The first single, the title track is out now and the band comments:

“We wanted to create something raw and real. Creating this album was an intense and rewarding process. This album represents who we are and what we stand for. It is incredibly personal for all of us. We poured our hearts into every beat, every note. It’s a journey through our highs and lows. It speaks to the struggles and emotions we’ve faced as individuals and as a band.”

“Am I Invisible” is an album that dives deep into the human experience, exploring themes of existential despair, personal strength, societal division, and the relentless march of time. With each track, BornBroken delivers a powerful message, wrapped in their signature blend of aggressive guitar riffs, dynamic drumming, and emotive vocals.

Those familiar with BornBroken will be surprised by the band’s new direction, although the tried and true structure remains, it comes with a twist of lemon and a dash of spice. They are recommended for fans of Chimaira, Machine Head, Slipknot, Decapitated, and Testament.

Listen to “Am I Invisible” via its stream premiere on Bravewords HERE.

The album “Am I Invisible” is available for pre-order and pre-save at the following links:

Bandcamp –​

Album pre-save –​

Digital Single pre-save –​

Track Listing:​
1. Time Pays No Respect – 5:04
2. Am I Invisible – 3:54
3. Will You Remember – 4:03
4. How Strong You Are – 4:41
5. Conflicting Lies – 5:09
6. Scabs & Scars – 3:36
7. 7 Mondays – 4:00
8. Fold – 6:30
9. Age of Anger – 5:23
10. The Day I Die Inside – 5:07
Album Length: 47:31

BornBroken Album Lineup​
Mike Marino (Bass)
Michael Decker (Vocals/ All Guitars)
Carlos Ojeda (Drums)

BornBroken live and Official New Lineup​
Mike Marino (Bass)
Michael Decker (Vocals/Guitar)
Carlos Ojeda (Drums)
Rob Henx (Lead Guitar) Newest member after recording

More info: | | |


“Although they hail from the famously pleasant country of Canada, BornBroken, might be the heaviest and angriest thing we’ve heard from their parts in a long time. With no shortage of punishing riffs, brutal drumming, and vicious vocals that spit lyrics to change the world, BornBroken’s sophomore album ,The Years of Hard Truths And Little Lies, is worth pre-ordering before it’s due out May 18th.” – Metal Injection (2018 – The Years of Harsh Truths And Little Lies…)

“Canadian unit BornBroken are releasing The Years of Harsh Truths And Little Lies…, a raging collection of songs inspired by what the band feel is a reality that’s getting worse. We’ll let the band speak on that aspect, but it’s not controversial to confirm that the songs on The Years of Harsh Truths are brutal and varied enough to appeal to fans of Lamb of God, Sepultura and even groove legends Pantera and Exhorder. ” – Decibel Magazine (2018 – The Years of Harsh Truths And Little Lies…)

“Apocalyptic thrashcore bunch BornBroken wear their political bent on their sleeves. From ‘The Years of Hard Truths And Little Lies’ Bansky-esque artwork to on-the-nose, ‘Take that politics!’ sentiment of its title, their anti-establishment sentiment is layered on thick. It’s hard to argue with their anger, in fairness. Tackling everything from inequality to government conspiracies, the Canadian band’s fury is aimed in all the right directions….BornBroken’s unrelenting pace is proof that, even in the supposedly docile nation of Canada, there’s still plenty to rally against in 2018.” – Metal Hammer (2018 – The Years of Harsh Truths And Little Lies…)

“Good sweet Mary Poppins, what the hell is in the water in Montreal?! No amount of poutine will silence the outright bonkers heavy that BornBroken have cooking for you. No amount of smoked meats will halt their vicious onslaught of pounding rhythm and vocal cord shredding, headbang demanding, heartwarming metal.” – Metal Rules (2018 – The Years of Harsh Truths And Little Lies…)

“Un retour percutant qui plaira aux fans de Lamb of God, DevilDriver.” – Voir (Montreal Weekly) (2018 – The Years of Harsh Truths And Little Lies…)

“Un groupe énergique qui livre la marchandise! Alors quand on m’a proposé de faire la critique de leur nouvel album, je vous laisse deviner quel fut mon engouement à découvrir ce nouvel opus! Une douce brutalité bien musicale comme je les aime. Un album avec une âme, et qui en profite pour prendre possession de la nôtre au passage durant ces trop courtes 40 minutes!…Ma note, un SOLIDE 9 sur 10 largement mérité!” – Metal Universe (2018 – The Years of Harsh Truths And Little Lies…)

“I can tell you right from the start, these guys are heavy as hell. Big guitar riffs, heavy drums, chugging bass lines, and those deep, guttural screams of the lead singer show this band know exactly what they want and how they will take it. The title track features some excellent guitar work along with the quick metal riffs. It gives you a feel for the band and what to expect for the rest of the album.” – Canadian Beats (2018 – The Years of Harsh Truths And Little Lies…)
​“The Years of Harsh Truths and Little Lies est un autre chef-œuvre musical que BornBroken nous as pondu. Cinq années d’attente, mais croyez-moi, l’attente en vallait la peine. La voix de Pepe Poliquin est à son meilleur et ultra efficace. Un duo du guitariste hors pair qui nous offre toutes sortes d’émotions qui passent par la brutalité de la mélodie et de plusieurs autres nuances. Une batterie qui nous offre un rythme essoufflant et sans concessions. Une basse très présente et qui se ressent à plusieurs endroits sur l’album. Dix chansons fortement bien exécutées et bien composées. Une production en béton armé, et un son d’enfer. Une production signée Chris Donaldson (Cryptopsy) et Marco Frechette. Le tout enregistré au studio The Grid à Montréal. The Years of Harsh Truths and Little Lies est définitivement l’album qui va projeter BornBroken à un autre niveau sur l’échiquier du métal mondial. ” – Quebec Metal (2018 – The Years of Harsh Truths And Little Lies…)

Jon Asher – Music Publicist
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