Hello my ravaging rockers! It is I, The Skullgurl, and I am about to gift you with a very special treat this holiday season. No, it’s not to tell you that Tswift and Jbeibs both retired from music, I only wish I could tell you that! I am giving you the gift that will keep on giving, the gift of introducing you to this phenomenal band. I know I introduce you to a new Unsigned and Underappreciated band every week, but this week is special. I was able to chat one on one with the front man, Colten Bell of Testarossa. Instead of me giving you my take on the band, I am going to let you read it straight from the horse’s mouth. (Does that make sense? The horse in this analogy is Colten, I mean, Colten is a human, and below are some of the groovy things he had to say.)
The band describes themselves as a “4-piece Rock and Roll extravaganza.” I inquired what are some of the characteristics of Testarossa that make them qualify as a Rock and Roll Extravaganza? Colton laughed and began, “We are all about old school rock and roll, loud drums, guitar solos, over the top front man. Our main focus is to have a good time and make sure our audience does to. Rock n Roll use to be edgy, it’s not like that anymore. We want to be provocative, but not over the top.” In the press release on the band from Tag Publicity, there is a part that reads, “The songs are carefully crafted to induce an uncontrollable urge to party and sing along. Subject matters of their songs range from tongue ‘n’ cheek teenage angst and overtly confident claims of unrivaled passion — all the way to losing close friends to addiction and unrequited love. ” I wanted to know if the band had ever thought of writing a song with all those elements? Colten Laughed, “Ha! I am not sure if we will, but when I write I let it flow organically. Like, when I write a humorous song it needs to be humorous. People have stated that they think we are like Steel Panther, we are nothing like Steel Panther. Steel Panther is a very talented parody band, we are not a parody band. My writing is influenced by the likes of Dr. Hook and Shell Silverstein. But, I don’t write stuff my parents would mortified by”.
I continued this line of questioning asking him about how the band come together an become the omnipotent Testarossa? “The guys and I went into this project believing it would be The band to end all band we are gonna play the music we want. – We all went into this with same vision, do what we love, no pay to play, write what we want, and have a great time doing it.” Colten explained wistfully.
Ok, readers if you don’t know that Testarossa just released a single, “Mother Lover”, featuring Danny Worsnop of Asking Alexandria, you do now! Colten explained to me how that came to fruition. “Well Testarossa went into the studio, recorded 3 songs. The song” Mother Lover” was by far the standout track, and when we play it, live people go crazy for it.” Colten continued” A buddy of ours was a watching a live feed of a performance of Danny’s, so my buddy messaged Danny on the live feed and asked Danny if he would do guest vocals on Mother Lover. Danny’s production company got ahold of us and poof, he was in the song. The same thing happened with the video, we asked if he would, and he did. Danny is a super dude, great song writer, talented vocalist and we appreciate everything he has done for us.” I agreed with Colten, Danny Worsnop is all of those things, plus he is kind of sexy.
There ya go my sexy little sexy snow bunnies, the 411 on all things AMAZEBALLS about Testarossa. I have included the links you will need to watch the single “Mother Lover” and find all things Testarossa so you can invite them into your lives. I wanted to add that the band just landed a sweet support gig with Buckcherry and Joyous wolf on their upcoming 2019 tour. Make sure you catch Testarossa starting April 7th through April 14th so you can experience the miracle that is Testarossa. Now get to clicking, you don’t have time to waste!!
Colten Bell (Lead Mouth/Power Chords)
Jordan West (Lead Guitar/Cat Noises)
Buddy Radford (Drums/Pots/Pans/Clap)
Blake Webb (Bass)