Cyber-Industrial Artist, Miss FD Unveils Erratic New Music Video

Cyber-Industrial Artist, Miss FD Unveils Erratic New Music Video

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Cyber-Industrial Artist, Miss FD Unveils Erratic New Music Video

New Video, “Distractions” Out NOW!

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September 15th, 2023 – Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Electro-Industrial music producer and artist, Miss FD has released the music video for her track, “Distractions”.

The first video directed by Azalea Jeanette showcases an erratic fusion of cyber aesthetics and contrasting natural environments. “While working on the music video for ‘Distractions’”, states Azalea Jeanette, “I enjoyed creating an aesthetic and narrative based around the three different personalities presented by Miss FD in this song.”

The “Distractions” video presents a visually intermittent journey through a cyberpunk dreamscape. The video features a blend of surreal locations including a neon-lit, pulsing, cyber light tunnel, a blackout room adorned with whimsical illustrations by comic book artist, Chandra Free and breathtaking ocean scenes symbolizing the profound connection between humanity and the natural world.

This visual metaphor adds a dimension of reflection and grounding to “Distractions,” juxtaposing the digital world’s chaos with the need for individuals to reconnect with nature. It’s a compelling contrast that highlights the song’s message of finding balance in an increasingly chaotic world.

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“Distractions” – Miss FD
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About the Song, “Distractions”:

Released on August 4th, 2023, Miss FD‘s cyber-industrial single, “Distractions” has been garnering attention with its turbulent infectious beats, maniacal vocals, and thought-provoking lyrics.

“Distractions” envelops listeners in a dystopian realm, where glitchy electronic textures intertwine with gritty industrial elements to create an immersive cyber-industrial undercurrent. The turbulent fusion of atmospheric soundscapes, aggressive beats, and haunting melodies sets the stage for lyrics inviting listeners to reflect on the constant bombardment of distractions that keeps us from truly grasping the rapidly evolving events taking place in the world around us.

“Distractions” is out now through Quantum Release Records and is available worldwide on all major streaming outlets.

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Stream Miss FD On Spotify
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With her distinctive cyber-industrial sound and unique gothic visual style, Miss FD is an electro-industrial music producer and artist known for her incomparable blend of cyberpunk, industrial, gothic, and dark electronic genres. Her work is characterized by haunting vocals, quirky, cutting-edge yet unconventional production, and thought-provoking lyrics.

Miss FD released her debut single ‘Together Forever’ in 2009 to positive reception. This was swiftly followed-up in 2010 with her seminal debut album Monsters in the Industry.  

From 2010 to 2017, Miss FD went on to release a string of singles including ‘Love Magic’, Down in the Dungeon’, ‘Infatuated’, ‘Cry For You (Haunted)’, ‘Unraveling’, and ‘Electropop Sickle’. She also released two more albums, 2011’s Love Never Dies and 2013’s Comfort for the Desolate.

Departing from her original style focused on electro-industrial, dark synthpop, and darkwave related genres, 2018 saw Miss FD release her industrial-rock album Transcendence. Transcendence included a collaboration with Vulture Culture, whom she would further collaborate with on the singles ‘Ashes Of Stars’, ‘Spitfire’, and ‘Faster Than Light’.

Following her 2020 singles ‘Keep Going’ and ‘Pandemic 2020’, Miss FD returned to her dark electronic roots with her 2021 single, ‘Your Core’, and three-song EP, Adore, which were heavily infused with futuristic and cyberpunk elements. 2022 saw Miss FD exploring Göbekli Tepe in her three-song dark pop EP, As Above, So Below, followed by her cyberpunk single ‘Menticide’.

2023 brings the release of Miss Miss FD‘s latest cyber-industrial single ‘Distractions’.

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