When I landed at 4:20 pm MT in Denver, Colorado, I suddenly decided to skip my connecting flight back to Louisville. I just had endured yet another corporate bullshit onslaught of trade show hell in Las Vegas for a week.
F*ck it.
Unplanned sabbatical time to mountains outside of Boulder, Colorado to balance my mental seesaw out. For the first time in my life Iâm going to do something completely unplanned, fly by the seat of my pants, and just make it up as I go.Â
After a 15 minute conversation with a Southwest ticket agent, who was happy to kick me off the inbound Louisville flight because someone else was on standby for that flight, I was bound for the mountains of Colorado. Good. Someone else has a better reason for getting themselves back to Loserville, other than myself.Â
That said, I made three phone calls. One to my Mom. One to my Lady Love. One to my Boss. Not one of them was surprised, nor did any of them accuse me of being some kind of intolerable lunatic that they would expel from their lives as a result, so off I went.
I also emailed that filthy Publisher, Editor and occasional ink slinger of mine at GonzoToday.com. I asked him to alert the Thompson family that GonzoTodayâs Music Editor is in town – in an all of the sudden manner – should Juan Thompson have any family laws he needs to go over with me as I attempt to keep his Fatherâs writing style alive. We did have a revival and reunion of the some of the remaining Gonzo minds planned in April of 2016 coming up, which was the context for the reason of request.
So, the next thing I know, Southwest is pulling my luggage out. Gotta have Black Betty, my Glock 40. cal for where Iâm going. F*cking mountain lions rule where Iâm sleeping tonight.
Then Iâm suddenly at the Car Rental counter, picking up a car that I had only pounded in the first request for on my iPhone app while I was waiting to deboard the damn plane. Getting ready to drive off in a Nissan Sentra into GOD knows where in the mountains of Colorado.Â
All decided within an hour.
I couldnât go fast enough or in a more unplanned planner, which goes against every grain of my DNA. Shit is always planned and according to predeclared schedule, but not today.
First stop, the StarBuds dispensary. Gotta get the head tuned properly for where I am headed.
The West is the BEST.