Newfoundland Duo ARTACH Put A Black Metal Tinge On Industrial w/ New Video “Frozen Factory” Off EP “Sgrios” Out July 2024

Newfoundland Duo ARTACH Put A Black Metal Tinge On Industrial w/ New Video “Frozen Factory” Off EP “Sgrios” Out July 2024


Montreal, QC – June 26, 2024


Newfoundland Duo ARTACH Put A Black Metal Tinge On Industrial w/ New Video “Frozen Factory”

New EP “Sgrios” Out July 2024

From the frost-bitten depths of Newfoundland, Canada, black metal duo ARTACH return this summer to present their experimental side with their latest EP “Sgrios” out this July 2024, which will later be followed by a third full-length this coming Fall (to be released on vinyl via Adirondack Black Mass), and will once again feature their signature sound.

The upcoming EP “Sgrios” might surprise some listeners as the band took on an experimental direction to incorporate more industrial metal sounds. Bands like Rammstein, Fear Factory, and Pain for example. However, it’s still them and still has all the elements from their previous releases.

For the “Sgrios” EP, the black metal spin on industrial metal is a mash of styles that the duo hadn’t heard much of and felt was something fresh and original.

“Not a ton of Black Metal bands will have Rammstein-esque synth guitar sounds, tremolo-picked riffs, and harsh black metal vocals. We talked about doing this “industrial-styled” 4 song EP to keep active and experiment ahead of the release of our 3rd full-length in the fall of 2024. At first, we thought about calling it a different project name, but quickly realized we could and would make it close enough to the Artach style to keep the name. You will hear industrial metal through the Artach blackened-thrash lens.” adds Sruthán (Guitar/Bass).

Lyrically, the topics explored on the “Sgrios” EP cover technology, apocalyptic themes, and some tongue-in-cheek suggestive topics (‘Sgrios” translates to English as destroy, ruin, ravage, annihilate, etc.). The “Sgrios” cover artwork has the duo in robot form in a frozen industrial wasteland. It fits with the lyrical topics for the EP perfectly.

Today, the band shares their lead single off the EP entitled “Frozen Factory”, a track about environmental collapse due to greed.

“We chose this one as it serves as a bridge between what you’ve come to know Artach for and the other songs on the EP. It was the last song written for this EP. When we were doing the others, which had more synth-sounding guitars etc, we thought we needed something heavier so taking inspiration from some bands like Fear Factory, etc we crafted an Artach take on that side of industrial metal.” says Sruthán (Guitar/Bass)

Watch and listen to “Frozen Factory” via its lyric video at​

Due out on July 6th, 2024, “Sgrios” is available for pre-order at​

Track Listing​
1. Frozen Factory – 3:00
2. The Black Hole – 3:32
3. Super-Cybernetic – 3:18
4. Atomic Cabaret – 3:04
EP Length: 12:55
EP Credits:
All songs performed, written, produced, mixed and mastered by Artach.
Album cover art by Inneal and Artach.
​Artach are:
Fíochmhar: Drums/Vocals
Sruthán: Guitar/Bass

For more info:​

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“With the jagged band name and bleak setting you can look upon the cover and get a taste of what’s in store, then you add in the hooded man with the sword and your ideas may be subverted, perhaps not. This is the real genius of Artach. They are making music that crosses genres; a bit of black metal, death metal, old school horns up fists of air grabbing metal as well.” – Killchain (2021: Sworn to Avenge)

“The song (She Gathers Leaves) is a thrill-ride, but also reveals elements of gothic witchiness. The raw vocals are caught up in a paroxysm of fierce, crazed adoration, venting cold-blooded roars as well as braying, throat-stripping howls and cut-throat screams. The full-throttle drumming is tumultuous, a changing array that hammers, gallops, rocks, thunders, and blasts. Urgently rising chords provide a recurring theme, surrounded by flame-throwing riffs that dart, pulsate, and spasm, drawing on elements of thrash and classic heavy metal as well as black metal. Ecstatically swirling leads further add to the wildness of the song. A mood of mystery does surface in the track’s brief intro, and that mood surfaces again in the song’s back half, leading into a necromantic guitar solo that takes flight in scintillating fashion.” – No Clean Singing (2021: Sworn to Avenge)

“check out Artach for a truly epic journey into the wildernesses that populate the dark fantasy land conjured through their excellent music. This sophomore album tells me that this is a band that will be releasing much good material for years to come and will soon be headlining the epic black metal stages or charts both online and at festivals. An excellent job all round.” – Metal Rules (2021: Sworn to Avenge)

“”Sworn to Avenge is a mind-assaulting record… You’ll hear the influences of classic black metal bands like Venom, early-Bathory as well as elements of the second wave; Immortal, Darkthrone etc. Ugly and uninviting stuff but very satisfying if you enjoy the gloomier side of metal… It’s a mammoth listen and does take its toll, but the array of ideas that Artach showcase does keep things interesting. An hour slips by, the cold has sunk deep into the bones and you’ll be left wondering if you’ll ever be warm again.” – Games, Brrraaains And A Head-Banging Life (2021: Sworn to Avenge)

“Very melodic black metal, yet aggressive and heavy with undeniable influences from plain old straightforward heavy metal, so while things are definitely “black metal”, there’s a lot of discipline at play and this is definitely not your average raw, chaotic black metal. There’s order to the chaos on Sworn to Avenge, but that doesn’t prevent it from being aggressive and sometimes kind of depressing and melancholic despite not descending into the slower playing usually associated with those stylings. It’s a rollercoaster of “fuck yeah!” and “kill me now” (in sort of a good way).” – The Metal Crypt (2021: Sworn to Avenge)​

Jon Asher – Music Publicist
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