New Music Review: PATRICK AMES ‘Second Wave – Single’

PATRICK AMES ‘Second Wave – Single’ - Cover Photo

REVIEW – Hailing from Napa Valley comes a new song from Singer Songwriter Patrick Ames titled “Second Wave.” He applies an acoustic bluesy approach to his new song looking at a reality where rumors and lies spread and thrive more than facts. He explores that lies and rumors spread the virus and angry people do not care about the aspect. The guitars bring a tense feeling to the song that makes the listener stop and listen to ponder what is being explored.

“Second Wave” is the latest in a profuse set of releases; “Liveness” (6-song EP), “Revelation 2020″ (Single), “You Make Me Scream” (Single) and “Essential Workers” (Single) were all released this year. Thematically, “Second Wave” is a partner track to Patrick’s last single “Essential Workers”.

This song is definitely worth a listen for any fan of blues and rock. Ames hits a note that resonates long after the song is over to offer a perspective that ruminates in the mind and heart.

More information about PATRICK AMES can be found at:

Youtube Channel