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REVIEW – DOLL SKIN’s debut EP In Your Face is something special. This all female band based out of Arizona has an energy and passion that comes out of the speakers and commands that you pay attention. This band plays a mixture of rock, pop and punk that really gels and becomes infectious. Right off the bat, the biggest negative to this CD is that there are only 6 songs. If this is a sample of what they are about, I cannot wait to see the full length.
The opening track “Family of Strangers” starts off with some nasty guitar work that goes into this Donna’s meets Runaways feel. This song has a catchy chorus that you will find yourself humming after the track is over. The vocals are romancing while the instruments show you a band that work well with one another. “Wring Me Out” is the catchy pop punk song about love that feels like it suffocating. This song could work well on modern pop radio, I can picture many proms playing this song. “Let’s Be Honest” is that commercial bubble gum pop song that once you hear it, it is stuck in your head. This is the kind of song some fans will be expecting from them, and they pull it off okay. I really am more of a fan of the first two songs more, but the song was fair.
“Blind” is the shock, they pull off a soft song and the vocals caress this song in such a beautiful way. It really shows that this band has some tricks up its sleeve. “So Much Nothing” is a mid tempo song that has some amazing playing in it. I really loved this song so much. I love the vocals because it sounds like Sydney wanted to show everyone they are not some copy, that they are the real deal. This song stands out on that message. The closing track “Weatherman” is in a live setting where the band for the most part sounds relaxed, but this song I felt was a cheat. I hate bands that give you one live song to end a record. Why not give us more or none? You are a new band trying to make a name, you give a record that shows so much diversity and promise, but then you just slap on a live track at the end.
All in all, I really liked the CD for the most part and I feel the ladies have some promise. I just feel that they are going to steer closer to the commercial stuff and pop friendly sound which is good in parts, but i really hope that they keep the hard edge going as well. DOLL SKIN has promise and for fans of female music this record will be a good listen.
DOLL SKIN “In Your Face” EP

Track Listing:
1. Family Of Strangers
2. Wring Me Out
3. Let’s Be Honest
4. Blind
5. So Much Nothing
6. Weatherman (Live)
Lead Vocals: Sydney Dolezal
Guitar: Alex Snowden
Bass: Nicole Rich
Drums: Meghan Herring
For more information about DOLL SKIN, please visit:
Website: www.dollskinband.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dollskinband
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dollskinband
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dollskinband