EPK – J.P. Krom – Luna Plutón off Astro Metal (EP) (2023)

EPK – J.P. Krom – Luna Plutón off Astro Metal (EP) (2023)

EPK – J.P. Krom – Astro Metal (2023)

Publicist – Jon Asher – jon[@]ashermediarelations[.]com

“Luna Plutón calls us to the dark depths, where the most secret emotions are housed, those that burn within us looking for redemption”. – J.P. Krom

For fans of Type O Negative, Lacrimas Profundere, Paradise Lost, Moonspell, The 69 Eyes

Single Title: Luna Plutón off Astro Metal (EP)
Single Release Date: August 17th, 2023
Label: Self-Release

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“Con una impronta que él mismo define como Astrometal, uniendo todo lo relacionado a los signos zodiacales y la astrología con los sonidos más pesados, la banda mostró lo suyo en una media hora que contó con el apoyo de los primeros asistentes que llegaron al Club Chocolate. Con una buena cercanía con los presentes, el líder y sus acompañantes sacaron aplausos con su propuesta con influencias de Type O Negative o The Sisters of Mercy, entre varios otros, presentando canciones como ‘Poison Girl’, ‘Tower of Destruction’ o ‘Abstract Illusion of an Existence’, aprovechando de adelantar lo que será su próximo lanzamiento en estudio, el cual llegaría en agosto. Con mucha música todavía en el horizonte, este nombre local mostró su solidez en un evento en el que fue más que idóneo, y claramente fue una gran oportunidad para llegar a más adeptos a este estilo, siendo aprobado por quienes se apostaban en el local del barrio Bellavista”. Rockaxis.com

“El encargado de abrir el magno evento fue el músico chileno J.P. Krom, donde su banda presentó su estilo musical único conocido como “Astrometal”, el cual es una curiosa creación mezcla de signos zodiacales y astrología con sonidos potentes y riffs demoledores, los cuales cautivaron al público desde el primer momento, dejando a la gente muy atenta y poniendo atención al show del artista. La banda también aprovechó la oportunidad para dar una probadita de lo que será su próximo álbum, programado para agosto. El evento fue el marco perfecto para presentar su música a un público más amplio, y demostraron su capacidad para conectar con los fanáticos del género. Sin duda, una presentación que dejó a todos los asistentes satisfechos y contentos en el Club Chocolate, con pasadas por sus temas ya conocidos como “Tower of Destruction”, una gran canción sumamente destacable la cual fue el peak de la presentación de J.P. Krom, con armonías muy pesadas y un sello personal en cuanto a la técnica y sonoridad, combinable con una fuerte influencia a Type O Negative”. The Resistance.cl

“Puntual a las 19:00 horas, los músicos de JP Krom se suben para interpretar la primera melodía ‘Rondó Alla Torre’ seguida de ‘Luna Plótón’ donde visualizamos a varias personas grabando con sus celulares y no es de extrañar, ya que esta será parte del segundo disco de la banda, que espera salir en el segundo semestre de este año. En ‘Poison Girl’, los chicos nos hacen saber que están felices de pisar el escenario del Club Chocolate y además abriendo la jornada para Moonspell, dando así paso a ‘Tower of Destruction’, notando que los asistentes ya se ponían aún más a tono y fue disfrutada por completo junto a ‘From my Hands’.

Recalquemos que la música de JP Krom está ligada a todo lo que es el misticismo y esoterismo, por lo que sus canciones están dedicadas a los signos zodiacales, entre otros de estos temas, y es así como la última canción de su show, estaría dedicada a los de signo Leo, haciendo presencia varias personas del público al levantar sus manos y mover sus cabezas al son de ‘Omnipotent Egotist’. De esta forma, Braulio Morales, Reynaldo Catalán, Guillermo Pereira, el guitarrista invitado Diego Caniulao y el mismo Juan Pablo Piderit dieron a conocer parte de su trabajo estudio de ‘The Inner Gods’ y el EP YOD, dejando el clima preparado para el plato fuerte. “Headbangers Latinoamerica”


[Download Single Artwork | Download Single Lyrics]

Single Title: Luna Plutón
Single Release Date: August 17th, 2023.
Label: Self-Release

About The Artwork:
Luna Plutón artwork represents the woman that is on the videoclip. With a crown of a blood moon, with a halo of an eclipse, and a waxing and waning moon. These last ones are the phases of the moon, representing the full moon as the more intense moon, the halo calls all of the darkness that an eclipse brings. Reminding us of the darkness of the deepest abyss where all the hidden secrets that all of us have.

About The Track:
Luna Plutón tells us about dark family secrets, kept in the dark of our minds. Secrets that some know and use to manipulate, generating resentment and an obsession with these emotions fixed in the deep.

It seems that nothing can purge our blame, and most of the time we try to deny it.

Track Listing
Single – Luna Plutón – Length (3:55)

Single Recording Credits:
• All songs performed by:
J.P. KROM (Vocals & Guitars)
Reynaldo Catalán (Bass)
Braulio Morales (Synthesizers)
Guillermo Pereira (Drums)
• All songs written by: J.P. KROM
• Produced by: Juan Pablo Piderit Pinchon
• Mixed by: Erick Martínez
• Mastered by: Erick Martínez
• Album Artwork by: José Canales/Valeria Jara

Album Band Lineup:
J.P. KROM – Vocals & Guitars
Reynaldo Catalán – Bass
Braulio Morales – Synthesizers
Guillermo Pereira – Drums

Live Band Lineup:
J.P. KROM – Vocals & Guitars
Kagno – Lead Guitar
Reynaldo Catalán – Bass
Braulio Morales – Synthesizers
Guillermo Pereira – Drums



1. J.P. studied astrology for three years in two places “Escuela Quirón” and “Centro Astrológico de Chile”. He studied too Tarot in “Escuela Quirón”. J.P. used to make “astrological consultations” and he used to teach basic astrology, using his knowledge as a teacher and master of education. All of the songs of J.P. are based on astrological/Tarot concepts, translated (the most of them) to personal experiences; except for the last song on the EP 2023, called I Don’t Feel Love; which was going to be a bonus song.

2. Woman Hermit (from ASTROMETAL EP) is a song dedicated to the Tarot Card “The Hermit”, but instead to be a man it is a woman, based on his first girlfriend that represents these characteristics, as other women in J.P.’s life. Poison Girl (from YOD EP) represents a relationship he had years ago with a Scorpio (the more metalhead/dark sign as J.P. says) woman, that marked J.P., even though the relationship was short it was pretty intense. At the same time, he uses the song to develop what a Scorpio energy in a relationship could be, in a literal a non-literal way.

3. I Don’t Feel Love (from ASTROMETAL EP) is a song J.P. composed more than 10 years ago, dedicated to a girl that finished the relationship with J.P. After the end of the relationship, J.P. told her that he composed a song for her. It looks like the girl was expecting a “love song” so she can come back to J.P.’s arms, but it looks as if it was a little revenge from J.P. for ending the relationship. The song explores changes of key, using the knowledge just learned when he was studying music at University.

4. Braulio Morales is working with J.P. since “The Inner Gods” album, in one way or another, till now that is a partner in various parts of the execution of this project. He has a disability, he was born with almost half of the right side of his body with difficulties using it, so Braulio plays only with his left hand the keyboards. Besides that, he doesn’t live in the same city as J.P., so when they have a concert, he has to travel and stay in different places. As it happens when we shared the stage with Moonspell this year.

5. J.P. was part of a medieval choir. This choir was only composed of men, so J.P. could learn more about vocal arrangements and vocal techniques. But when he learned the most about vocal technique he was on speech therapy, because one of his vocal chords wasn’t closing.

A son of Poseidon, J.P. Krom is a Chilean writer/ composer, singer/guitarist, being the one or part of a few who cultivates the gothic metal style in his country. His music is a blend of astrological /esoteric metaphors/concepts with the sounds and structures of metal where the visuals/graphics are hand in hand. His story starts with a lover: a pagan mistress who gifted him with an astral chart, an irresistible invitation to the esoteric.

Kings and powerful men use this device to see into the future, but to J.P. it’s a tool for self-knowledge: every passion, every act of good and horror, can be understood with the map of the stars at the moment we are born.


J.P. Krom majored in music –which exposed him to classical composers and new songwriting/arrangement possibilities –and even sang in a medieval choir.

His father was an artist, and J.P. has graphic design studies, which made a strong like to the arts with his music -and that is what you see in his album covers.

Even though his first album is a kind of groove metal, his penchant for the dark steered him towards Type O Negative, Moonspell, Paradise Lost, and The 69 Eyes– the final ingredient of his metal alchemy.

Shared Stage with:
Moonspell, L1bera, Morver, V Mente, Anna Frank, Alevosía



Six intense, deep, and powerful tracks conform to this new EP, an obvious evolution from YOD, affirming the gothic metal style that suits better for J.P. with his “smoke voice”. The first song composed in Spanish (J.P.’s native language), “LUNA PLUTÓN”, to bring closer Spanish-speaking audience, it’s the first single of the EP, with its own video clip and cover. The next songs are “Woman Hermit” (dedicated to a Tarot card) and “I Tried” (for Venus & Saturn), with classical sounds of gothic metal -a consolidated style for J.P.- And “Breaking the Walls”, with an epic symphonic arrangement from interlude, that takes us to the past through ancient times. “You & I” is a love song, a declaration from a father to his son, where synths take protagonism and a J.P. singing with the lowest possibilities of his range; reminding us again of the great frontman Peter Steele. From a love song, we pass to a no-love song: the experimental-electronic track “I Don’t Feel Love”. A sad and introspective tune that rules the song, combining a spoken low range from J.P., in contrast with the “harmonic” chorus of the song.

YOD (EP 2021)

Four tracks together make up this extended play, using as a basis the position by a sign of three planets: Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Scorpio, and Pluto in Capricorn (at the same time a reference to 16th card of Tarot, The Tower); all
of them represented in its cover.

YOD includes four tracks inspired by astrology, with a gothic metal style, a perfect style for the voice of J.P. Krom, which is reminiscent of the great Pete Steele, from Type O Negative.

In the instrumental, YOD has a strong predominance in keyboards that range from electronic to symphonic, accompanied by heavy guitars reminiscent of great exponents of the genre such as Nightwish and Within Temptation.

“Rondó Alla Torre” is an exploration of acoustic sounds with Latin American sounds, such as cueca (a native style from Chile and Argentina), flamenco, and classical sounds. Rondó is an introduction -with his own personality- for Tower of Destruction, that is connected with themes within the musical piece, with a view to the depths of oneself with melancholy that acoustic sounds can give.



Twelve relentless tracks –one for each sign of the Zodiac– looking at the archetypes feeding our primal urges from the perspective of ancient knowledge.

Two singles: the punishing “Omnipotent Egotist” (a meditation on the sign of Leo) and the hard-hitting “As you bleed for me” (an exploration of Aries).

Mixed/mastered by All Tomorrows’ Pepe Lastarria, a legend in the Chilean djent and prog. metal circuit.

Features a 16-page booklet with illustrations for each sign of the zodiac by local and international artists.

The album has received airplay in Latin America, the United States, Italy, Spain, and Germany, as well as coverage from metal publications in Chile, South America, North America, and Europe.