It takes a village to put on the biggest rock festivals in the United States and we are beyond thankful for our DWP Family. Times are incredibly tough. Our industry was the first to be affected and will be the last to reopen. So we created Danny Wimmer Presents Family (DWPF) merch line to give back to the team of contractors that work tirelessly to create the best experience for our fans. Most of them are out of work, and with nearly all of the DWP 2020 portfolio cancelled, as well as other live events currently on hiatus, they don’t know when they will work again. All profits from the sales of the DWPF merchandise will directly benefit them, so that they can come back and create memories again for you, the best fans in the world!

Donation Overview:
We’ve partnered with Sweet Relief, a 501c3 to handle the donation process and manage our recipients. The Sweet Relief Covid-19 fund is 100% fee free, all proceeds and donations are being given back to the music community.
To apply to receive funds, please click here: bit.ly/SweetReliefDWPFapp

Visit our merch store here: bit.ly/dwpfamily

If you would prefer to make a flat monetary contribution please click on the link below. After you select the amount, on the next screen where you fill in your information there is a dropdown that says Select Fundraiser, please select Danny Wimmer Presents and your donation will be added to the funds that will be distributed to DWP Family.
Donate Now: www.sweetrelief.org/covid-19-fund.html