Ascending to Power: VALKYRIE’S FIRE’s Bettie Floyd on Myth, Emotion, and the Epic Rise of ‘Ascension’

VALKYRIE's FIRE Promo Pic (2024)- Cover Photo

Emerging from the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, VALKYRIE’S FIRE is set to make a powerful entrance into the symphonic power metal scene with their upcoming debut EP, ‘Ascension’, slated for release on November 8th, 2024, via Eclipse Records. Combining soaring dual vocals, blazing guitar riffs, and a thunderous rhythm section, the band brings a fresh and invigorating energy to the genre. Drawing inspiration from metal giants like Nightwish and Epica, yet infusing their own unique flair, VALKYRIE’S FIRE is poised to captivate audiences worldwide.

With lyrics that intertwine Norse mythology and modern themes of war, redemption, and personal struggle, ‘Ascension’ is more than just an EP—it’s a bold statement of intent from a band ready to leave their mark. The dynamic between vocalists Bettie Floyd and Adam Sanders creates a mesmerizing harmony that elevates each track to epic proportions. As the release date approaches, anticipation is building for what promises to be a remarkable debut.

We sat down with Bettie Floyd, the band’s lead vocalist, to delve into the creative process behind ‘Ascension’, discuss the band’s rapid evolution, and explore how their music bridges ancient legends with contemporary relevance. This interview offers an exclusive glimpse into VALKYRIE’S FIRE’s journey and what fans can expect from their highly anticipated debut.

INFRARED MAG: Bettie, thank you for joining us! Your vocals on ‘Ascension’ are absolutely captivating. Can you share more about how you approached the dual-vocal dynamic between you and your male counterpart? How did this collaboration shape the overall sound of the EP?

BETTIE FLOYD: Thank you so much, that’s so kind of you to say. Adam is a wonderful vocalist to work with. Both of us have nice wide vocal ranges which allows for us to play with some epic harmonies and notes. We also complement each other very well. I love that we can trade off with each other almost effortlessly, I think that is very important when you have multiple vocals in a song. Most of the songs on the EP were originally written for us to just flip flop verses and had little to no harmony. I love that we were able to come up with upper harmony ideas and added some toplines that ended up working quite well and made the songs even more dynamic and powerful. Adam and I are quite chill so far whenever one of us wants to add or change something with the vocals.

INFRARED MAG: ‘Ascension’ draws from Norse mythology, but the lyrics also have a modern resonance. How did you balance ancient themes with contemporary relevance?

BETTIE FLOYD: It’s quite interesting how historical events and emotions are still very relevant to today’s time, so it’s really not as difficult as one would think. It’s quite simple to utilize symbolism in order to establish relevance to the present yet is also equally as easy to have it come out very corny. Since almost everyone pitches in with lyrics, we can discuss what sounds good and what doesn’t, so that definitely helps keep us in check. We don’t want to be strictly historic or fantasy, but we also don’t want too much angst so it’s very important to have different lyrical themes that can appease almost anyone.

INFRARED MAG: The guitar work and rhythm section on ‘Ascension’ are incredibly tight. How did the band work together to craft such a cohesive and powerful sound?

BETTIE FLOYD: We each bring our own strengths to the table. You have Joey who is absolutely amazing with the guitar. We just let him do his thing, so he writes his guitar parts and does a lot of the composing for our music as well. Adam is also a strong composer and writes a lot of the lyrics as well as being a powerful vocalist, of course. Ryan is a monster on the drums and with that he has to be good with rhythm. He really helps us not take ourselves too seriously as well. Dave is very good with lyrics, and he comes up with some catchy melodies. I love adding harmonies and playing around with toplines and I write lyrics as well. With all of these traits combined we can make quite the solid sound.

INFRARED MAG: We were impressed by how the themes of war, redemption, and personal struggle are interwoven into the EP. Can you share more about the lyrical inspiration behind some of the tracks, especially how these themes come through?

BETTIE FLOYD: I think we can all agree that music is an art form and a way to express yourself. I love songs that have meaning and purpose! Warrior of the Night, our first single, was mostly written as a metaphor for performers and fans who, of course, are usually out at night. We struggle with funds, time, energy, illness, and still, we strive to play or just enjoy a good show. It certainly conveys the message to never back down from what you want, and think is right. Empty was actually something I had written before joining the band. I used it as sort of an audition song, which is crazy to think about now. When I was writing it, I was really thinking of all the times I felt lost and alone and exhausted all my energy for the wrong people. I wanted anyone to be able to relate to it so it could easily pertain to a relationship, career, bullying, depression, anxiety, anything really. The Maiden is a tale of remorse for bloodshed. It could be taken metaphorically as well, but it seems to have a lush darkness. It’s not just about mindlessly killing someone, it’s about shame and guilt for wrongdoing and the hope that you can still be redeemed after everything you’ve done.

INFRARED MAG: The EP feels like more than just a collection of songs; it’s a bold statement. How does ‘Ascension’ represent the arrival of VALKYRIE’S FIRE as a band?

BETTIE FLOYD: Oh, it is certainly a statement. ‘Ascension’ is only the beginning, so it is a very fitting title. This is the rise of Valkyrie’s Fire. We are wanting to showcase our abilities and passions, and we want everyone to have a taste of what we are capable of. That’s what is so great about this EP. There is a little something for everyone. We want to show people to never give up. You can do anything you put your mind to, if you believe in yourself.

INFRARED MAG: Many power metal bands use mythology in their lyrics, but your music seems to add a personal layer of emotion. How do you ensure the emotional depth of the music shines through, even when dealing with mythological subjects?

BETTIE FLOYD: Music is a form of storytelling, so that’s why mythological and historical themes can work so well. When someone is telling a story, there is almost always a moral or some lesson to be learned. There is also a different emotion portrayed depending on who is telling the story. With our songs, some of them may seem straightforward, but you can easily find deeper meanings if you wish, or you can just enjoy it as a great story. That makes for some great writing. In a way, the depth of a song depends on who is listening. The order of the songs on the EP is actually awesome because it almost tells a complete story. We have the opening track about war and spotting the Valkyries taking the souls of the greatest warriors. The Maiden gives regret and remorse for the bloodshed of battle. Empty can pertain to the numbness and PTSD that can come after fighting. Nectar of the Gods brings a little fun before possible death, also what does one do when they are sad or having a rough day? They typically drink. Then Warrior of the Night closes the story on a positive note that no matter what happens we stand tall and continue to fight. The whole EP is like a tale of war and triumph.

INFRARED MAG: The artwork for ‘Ascension’ is as striking as the music itself. Can you talk about how the visual elements complement the themes of the album?

BETTIE FLOYD: Of course, we wanted a valkyrie on the cover because of our name, but I like how she is kind of a mystery. It kind of reminds me of when your eyes are adjusting to the dark. You think you see something but are not quite completely sure of what it is until your eyes adjust more. I like how it is dark but has a bit of light shining through. It complements the theme because of the balance between dark and light on this EP. It is quite the nice album art, and we have Dave to thank for that.

INFRARED MAG: The band’s sound is a unique blend of symphonic, power metal, and a heavy, low-end rhythm section. How do you navigate such diverse musical influences to create a cohesive sound?

BETTIE FLOYD: Honestly, we just all balance each other out very well. We all bring something different to the table in the song writing realm. Though we love a lot of symphonic metal bands and power metal bands, we never wanted to sound just like them. The marriage of classical elements and metal can be quite tricky to navigate as well. Both are very powerful forms of music, and you don’t want it to feel as if two genres are playing tug of war. You want it to flow almost effortlessly. I will say that Joey and Adam do an amazing job with that in their compositions. I am always blown away by it.

INFRARED MAG: ‘Ascension’ is your debut EP. How has the band evolved since its formation, and how did that journey influence the creation of this record?

BETTIE FLOYD: We have evolved immensely! I was the last member to join the band, and I am so proud of what we have become in such a short amount of time. To think, a little over a year ago, we all didn’t know each other yet. Since I live a good way away from everyone, I barely get to practice with them, and I can see we have come a very long way since that first practice I was able to attend. I think we’ve been learning each other’s strengths and weaknesses, though we definitely still have room to grow. The positive reception for this band has been amazing and I can see our confidence rising because of it. Though we knew we were going to release an album, we didn’t really buckle down hard on it until after our first performance together. I don’t think any of us anticipated the love and respect we have gotten from the music community. It’s really special and it has definitely lit a fire under us to get working on more music.

INFRARED MAG: Your vocal range and power are impressive throughout the EP. What vocal training or techniques do you employ to maintain and enhance your performance?

BETTIE FLOYD: Thank you so much. You know I was always a quiet person, so singing sort of became my outlet to speak up for myself. I think that’s where the power comes in; I was tired of being silent and of course I became passionate about the human voice. I was classically trained for only a few years, but I’m sort of a nerd when it comes to singing and finding new techniques, so I decided I didn’t want to pursue opera. I wanted to learn everything! I sing every single day, whether I’m in my car, shower, or studio. I always learn new techniques and try new ways to use my voice without straining it. Honestly yoga helps immensely! Doing yoga helps me breathe correctly and keeps my posture strong so that I can project my sound effortlessly. Green tea with honey is a treasure for the voice as well!

INFRARED MAG: The EP has moments of both intense power and subtle vulnerability. How do you find the balance between these emotions in your vocal delivery?

BETTIE FLOYD: It can be very tricky to balance emotions with the voice. One moment you’re belting out in anger or excitement and the next you have to completely change gears and be soft and vulnerable. I think it all comes down to feeling the lyrics. I love singing songs that test my limits, and I also love singing songs that I relate to. If I can feel the emotion that the lyrics are trying to convey, it’s so easy to get lost in the emotion. If you get too lost in the emotion, you could end up crying or having a meltdown on stage though! Some people focus too much on power and volume, when there is great power in a soft sound as well. Sometimes more power comes from vulnerability.

INFRARED MAG: Can you walk us through the band’s songwriting process? How do you collaborate on lyrics, melodies, and overall song structure?

BETTIE FLOYD: We collaborate remotely through email and text most of the time. So modern of us, right? Usually Adam and/or Joey sends a midi file or arrangement of something they have written. Adam would usually have lyrics ready as well and Joey would either write something based off of some lyrics or melodies that one of us had written, or he would just send something without lyrics or a planned melody. Adam and I record vocal ideas and send them off to everyone to see if it sounds good or needs work. The guys also get to practice together and are able to discuss changes needed to be made while they practice. They usually just keep me updated with whatever changes they decide on.

INFRARED MAG: You mentioned in previous interviews that the band has drawn from personal experiences. How do those personal stories influence the storytelling in ‘Ascension’?

BETTIE FLOYD: I can’t really speak for everyone, but I know I am heavily inspired by personal experiences. It’s easy to write what you know, yet it can be very hard to share it with other people, so I also get inspired by other people’s stories as well. I believe each of us have gone through a lot in our lives and it definitely reflects in the music. Not just with the words, but instrumentation can say a lot without spelling it out for you. Music is amazing in that regard! Our storytelling is very grounded but will also allow an escape from reality as well, which speaking from experience, it’s nice to have a brief escape from reality from time to time.

INFRARED MAG: Finally, what can fans expect from VALKYRIE’S FIRE in the future? Are there any upcoming projects or live shows we should look out for?

BETTIE FLOYD: We are already working on new music as we speak, but that is all I can say, for now! I know we want our future to have lots of touring involved. As far as live shows go, next year will hopefully be a BIG year for us. Though we don’t have our year booked out yet, it seems as if we will have some awesome shows coming up next year, so follow us on social media if you want the latest updates.

As the countdown to the release of ‘Ascension’ continues, it’s clear that VALKYRIE’S FIRE is not just entering the symphonic power metal arena—they’re charging in with force. Their ability to blend mythological storytelling with raw emotion and modern-day themes sets them apart as a band with both depth and broad appeal. Tracks like “Warrior of the Night” and “The Maiden” showcase their talent for crafting songs that are as introspective as they are grandiose.

The enthusiasm and passion shared by the band members, especially highlighted in our conversation with Bettie Floyd, underscore a collective commitment to their art and to their fans. With plans already underway for new music and future live performances, VALKYRIE’S FIRE is gearing up for what promises to be an exciting journey ahead.

For fans of symphonic metal and newcomers alike, ‘Ascension’ is an EP that should not be missed. It marks the rise of a band that is ready to ascend to new heights, bringing with them a fresh perspective and a sound that resonates on multiple levels. Keep an eye on VALKYRIE’S FIRE—they’re just getting started, and the best is yet to come.

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