photo: Dr. Mike Trubetskov The Overcoming Project Returns With a Bang with “Determination” Premieres Video at Metal Sucks Today from the upcoming EP Overcoming â’Determination’ is about facing demons in the psychedelic realm, and the desperate price it takes to subdue the inner misery in order to succeed.”  – Dr. Mike Trubetskov Watch “Determination” at Metal Sucks here: HERE! Melbourne metal artist The Overcoming Project just released his crushing new single ‘Determination‘ featuring world class metal musicians such as Mike Heller of Fear Factory, Jon Howard of Threat Signal and Sergei “Efes” Fomin of FS Projekt. Exclusively unveiled by, ‘Determination‘ treats listeners to blistering fretwork, death metal-esque riffage, Heller‘s pummelling rhythms, Howard‘s larger than life vocals and cinematic orchestral arrangements, sure to satiate heavy music fans across […] […]