Greetings my Metal Minions, it is I, Skullgurl Metalchick. For those of you playing along at home, I am the original Mistress of Metal, and I have made it my number one goal to bring you the best new music in the world. I will open your hearts, souls, and lives to the best unsigned bands Metal has to offer. I ALWAYS live outside the box, hell I don’t even know where the fucking box is, so I will feature every style of Metal known to humankind. The inaugural band I have chosen hails from the lighter side of the genre, teetering on the edge of alternative, with a true rock backbone. I have to be honest, I tend to gravitate to bands that are way more submersed in the metal sound, but these guys, they blew my lil ole skull socks right off. Let me introduce you to JIMI FALLS, a band you need to get to know immediately, as in right meow.
The first song I heard from this Chicago-based band, “For the Broken” JIMI FALLS gave my arm hairs a good rising, I immediately knew I had struck new music gold. This song, although a ballad, is the type of song ALL songwriters strive to write. “For the Broken” is a beautifully crafted masterpiece filled with lyrical perfection with vocals by Brandon James that plead for unity in humanity. The instrumental composition is absolutely simpatico, tight, with a capital T. I let a couple of my hardcore metal-head friends listen to this song, and even the metal-head with the “Corrosion of Conformity” tattoo on his neck, became an instant fan of this band. Talent knows no genre, my little dewdrops. The next song I heard off of the upcoming EP, instantly showed me the 360° versatility of this band. “Rise” is a heavier, grittier “grab you by the balls” kind of “fuck off” track. The harmonies these dudes put forth even on a hard-hitting rock song, are just beautimus, fanfuckingtastical, if you will.
I went on to listen to 2016’s EP, Through Hell and noticed a complete different level of passion. I had to go back and read the bands bio, to see what would cause such a gigantic shift in the sound of the band. It seems Through Hell was recorded in 2008 with a different lineup, the current lineup united in 2015. The songs on Through Hell although, musically sound, lack the absolute soul-baring passion of “For the Broken” and “Rise”. Now before you “ride or die” fans show up at my door with pitchforks and torches, hear me out. Bands get lucky sometimes with first albums, it gets airplay, Grammy’s and platinum records, then the sophomore release fizzles, as does the 3rd, 4th, and so on. JIMI FALLS has staying power and infinite potential by showing they can mature and evolve with each new studio release. The guys in JIMI FALLS show they are not afraid to test their boundaries and let the passion inside of each of them speak through the music. You would be surprised at how many famous musicians have never been able to tap into that secret.
I could continue to ramble on about how AMAZEBALLS these guys are, or I could shut my Skullgurl pie hole and provide links so you can dive right into JIMI FALLS yourself! Be on the lookout for the upcoming EP from JIMI FALLS, featuring “For the Broken” and “Rise”.