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REVIEW – STEEL PANTHER is back with their 3rd album All You Can Eat. If you loved the humor of Feel The Steel and the catchiness of the follow-up of Balls Out, than this record will be right up your alley. Personally, I felt the band suffered an identity crisis with the recording of the last album Balls Out, and it seems as though STEEL PANTHER is having the same issue with All You Can Eat as well. You cannot be taken seriously and write this fun, but yet offensive lyrics. I felt that was the death-nail for THE BLOODHOUND GANG when they tried and show people they were growing, when fans wanted them to stay the same. STEEL PANTHER is a band who is supposed to be mocking glam metal not trying to revive it.
STEEL PANTHER, make no mistake, are very talented and really can create some amazing music. I just wish that this band would make up its mind, to be taken seriously or to live the gimmick. That being said, the album is not bad, it is just going to be a misunderstood by some fans. You see the song titles and hear the choruses, but most of these songs try so hard to be so catchy that it does not feel like they are making fun of the genre but trying to fit in. They have an anthem “Party Like Tomorrow Is the End of the World” which I really felt while it was catchy, just felt like they are trying hard to be more mainstream and get crossover success.
All You Can Eat gives STEEL PANTHER a chance to flex all its muscles and they all really shine on the majority of this record. Michael Starr really has progressed since his short term in LA GUNS. On this album Starr will remind some of maybe a cross of Axl Rose and FIREHOUSE, I just prefer the Axl Rose moments a little more. Satchel also gets his chance to shine on some of the guitar solos on this album which really come across very well; this is a guitarist who has really come into his own since his days in FIGHT. I did like the majority of the lyrics; they were very creative and had an odd humor to them.
I felt there was a few filler tracks as well that had this obscene name and promised fun and did not deliver. While I am still a fan of STEEL PANTHER, with the release of All You Can Eat, I am lost as to what STEEL PANTHER is trying to be. I would love a more raw approach like the debut, not the commercial crap like the follow up, I guess All You Can Eat could be seen as a look into the past and present of STEEL PANTHER.
More information can be found on STEEL PANTHER at: