Rating: 8.5 / 10 Stars
OTEP is: Otep Shamaya (vocals), Aristotle (guitars), Drewski Barnes (bass), and Justin Kier (drums)
REVIEW – No matter what your take is on Otep Shamaya’s political views, there is no denying how monstrously fucking talented she is. I have always appreciated OTEP for the bands in your face style of metal, but the new album Kult 45 is beyond brutal. The 14-track offering dropped July 27th via Napalm Records as an “anti-establishment” masterpiece. I have never bought into the hype of all the “OTEP-haters” and after hearing this album, I stand by my convictions that no matter what Otep’s personal views and beliefs are, she is a truly talented musician. Don’t believe me? Read on dear moppets, and I will give you a little insight on why you need to invite Kult 45 into your existence.
The album intros with a sound bite then barrels headlong into “Halt Right” demanding the listener to put up their fists and “Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight”. The highlight of the song is defiantly when Otep asks “When was America greater?” Boy oh boy, does she makes some solid and valid points, listen carefully to the lyrics, kittens.
I had my playback on shuffle, so the next song I heard of off Kult 45 was, “Said the Snake.” This track is full of malice and venomous corrosion. The guitar line is beyond genius, Aristotle out did himself with his swirling riffs and choppy breakdowns.
Track #13, “Be Brave”, knocked me into a little bit of a tailspin, showing OTEP’s versatility with this softer more soulful offering, intimate and personal. Slow, melodic and overall entrancing.
I need to mention the amazing tightness of the bass and drum lines on track #12, “Invisible People.” Percussive virtuoso, Justin Kier and bass man Drewski Barnes are purely simpatico. Kier makes the kick drum his bitch, attacking it with aggressive precision, while Barnes lays down an intricate bass line that oozes power.
I won’t go through each track on Kult 45, because I want you to discover the awesomeness that is this album. I do want to mention that track #6, “Trigger Warning,” is by far the most brutally raw song out of all 14 songs. This track laser points at the growing problem of sexual assault and rape culture. The focus of the lyrics shifts to vengeance and retaliation, turning hunted into hunter.
OTEP is currently on the road bringing the AMAZEBALLS music of Kult 45 to eager ears all over the country. In honor of the album’s release, OTEP released a 20+ minute documentary about the making of Kult 45, performing together as a band, and more.
Overall, honestly, I have to say I love this album. It is not for the faint of heart, or if you get butthurt easily. So, if you feel you are “man” enough, get clicking on the links and welcome Kult 45 into your world.
For more information on OTEP, visit:
merch: http://otepsaves.me
Snapchat: OtepOfficial